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Something that is important to me when it comes to improving and maintaining my physical and mental health is to be able to make time for the things that matter to me, to be able to keep a clear calendar and to remove certain hassles that use time and energy which can make life simpler and ultimately happier.

I’m sure we all have times where we wish we had more time for other things, when this happens I take a look at how I am spending my time and energy and consider whether all of these actions are important and actually worth the effort. I ask myself whether all of these elements are important and make me happy or whether they are taking up space in my life and causing a negative mindset.


Remove These Hassles and Make Life Simpler

Reliving the Past

I’ll admit that this is something that been an issue for me for many years. I felt that by remembering previously experiences and holding grudges against certain people I was protecting myself from repeating those experiences and avoiding disappointment. Instead I now realise that this has actually taken up a lot of mental space and energy and has probably caused more harm than good. Learning from the past is good but it shouldn’t stop you from living in the present or looking to the future.


Trying to Please Others

I’ve spent a lot of time over the years wondering what other people will think about the things I do, I’ve even cancelled plans following other people’s negative opinions and have been left disappointed that I have not done what I wanted to do. Finally, I have come to the realisation that the only person who has to approve of the things I do is me. I can make decisions and plans without looking to other people for approval and I have no need to explain or justify myself.


Packing and Planning Too Much

Travelling by myself for the last few years has taught me to keep my packing as basic as possible and that planning too much for a trip can actually take away the enjoyment and relaxation elements and instead causes stress and anxiety. Often we think that we should fill our holiday time with adventure and activities, but without the opportunity to slow down and explore our surroundings we are not truly relieving ourselves from daily stresses. Consider packing less and removing the hassle of checking in luggage and any additional costs and time wasting that may be incurred.


Unnecessary Shopping

I am often struck by the urge to shop, particularly when I’m bored and I don’t even need anything. I can enter a shop or scroll online and find something to spend my money on. I hate to think how much time and money I have wasted on items that I don’t need or really want. It’s a struggle but I’m finding myself thinking more consciously about what I need (and want) to spend my money on, what else I could spend it on, or whether I should simply save it.


Excessive Use of Social Media

Trying to build a social media following can be a little stressful and overwhelming. Creating and scheduling regular content and captions, liking and commenting on other accounts, and promoting your work is a full time job for some, so trying to it all alongside other online work, a full time job and everyday life can be almost impossible. Download an app so you can set a timer and limit your social media usage, give yourself plenty of breaks and even consider taking days or weeks away from scrolling.


How do you reduce stress and make life simpler for yourself?

Let me know in the comments.













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Mon Jun 29 , 2020
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