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Can you believe it’s August? If like me you’ve lost track of days and weeks and flit between feeling as though the year has dragged on and whizzed by at the same time, then realising that we are nearly two thirds of the way though the year can feel disappointing and wasted.


July: Reviewing the Month

Planning my meals more consciously was something I started back in March. As soon as we were sent home from work and it became apparent that I wouldn’t be able to just drop into the supermarket multiple times a week I began thinking about my meals more carefully. Since March I have only allowed myself one trip out of the house a week, to the supermarket, so I turn up with my face-covering, a small bottle of hand sanitiser and my shopping list. I’ve been quite pleased with how I planned meals, this includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as any snacks and drinks I might want. I found that by removing the random trips to the supermarket and not buying takeaways I was not only focusing more on batch cooking and using leftovers, but also saving money.

I’ve completely changed my working routines. The place I work is still not allowing anyone to return to the office for anything other than collecting IT equipment, and it’s still really difficult working from home when I can’t do most of my actual job. I’m having to be creative and flexible with my working hours, instead working around my energy levels and motivation.

I found that without actually travelling I had lost my inspiration and motivation to write about travel, so I decided that it was important to focus on my interests and hobbies outside of work and blogging, For me this involves reading, watching films, catching up with my favourite bloggers and youtubers and collecting and reading about vintage and antique items.


How was July for you?

Let me know in the comments.


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Tue Sep 22 , 2020
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