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Everyone has moments where they feel like a failure, to feel inferior to your peers. It is important to remember that these feelings are completely natural and can actually, if thought about positively, lead you to succeed.


When You Feel Like a Failure

The topic of failure needs to be talked about more, it needs to be normalised. As children we are taught to succeed, to win, that everything in life is a competition and that we all need to be better than the next person. It inevitably leaves us all with a paralysing fear of failing. This in turn has left us surrounded by “experts” who will, at any given opportunity, try to sell their course or product or talk about their six figure businesses.

Even without these experts, there are work colleagues, friends, and even family members, all of whom may be proud of their own accomplishments but a harmless conversation may leave you feeling like a failure, as though you are not achieving the same thins in life.


Here are four positive thoughts for when you feel like a failure.

It didn’t work out as planned

Try to put failure in perspective. Be grateful for what you have instead of focusing on what you don’t. Remember, you have your health, your home, your family and friends.


It proves I’m over ambitious

You could play it safe but sometimes we all need to take risks. The chance of failure shows you are trying to achieve something worthwhile.

Failing does not describe who you are

Failing does not mean you are a failure. We all achieve in certain things whilst failing at others. Remember your successes.


Failing is learning

If you never fail you will never learn. Take note of what went wrong and learn from it.The key thing you need to remember is that failing is ok, because at least it means you tried.

What stops you from feeling like a failure?

Let me know in the comments.

when you feel like a failure












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  1. Great uplifting post. We all get discouraged at sometime in our lives. We feel like failures while everyone feels the opposite. Failure makes us the people we are today. If we don’t fail we don’t learn and if we don’t learn we don’t grow. Love this post!

    1. Author

      Thank you. there is so much pressure to succeed but yes, failing is just as important. I’ve always struggled with the idea of failure but you are right, it’s the best way to learn.

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