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Mondays have a bad reputation. We’ve all experienced that heavy feeling of switching off our alarm clocks and wondering why we can’t just roll over and fall back to sleep. Mondays mean having to start our routine all over again, another week of long hours, busy days and counting down the hours until the next weekend. It shouldn’t be that way though, we shouldn’t dread the start of a new week, we should be looking forward to the week ahead and learning to love Mondays instead.


Learning to Love Mondays

Plan Ahead

One reason why we don’t like Mondays is that we don’t want to let go of the weekend. It might start when you’re a child and associate Mondays with having to go back to school, this inevitably carries through into adulthood and having to go back to work.

If you want to start enjoying Mondays then you need to start getting ready the night before. Sort out what you’re going to wear, plan your budget for the week, prepare at least one or two meals in advance to save you time, and get your bag ready for the morning (make sure you’ve got keys, travelcards, laptop, phone etc.)


Treat Yourself

Nobody ever made a rule to say that you can only treat yourself at the weekend, or that you can only have a takeaway on a Friday evening. Every day should include something you look forward to and Mondays are no exception. Instead of getting home on a Monday evening and simply thinking about the rest of the week, you could make Monday more exciting by creating little routines like starting a brand new book or locking yourself in the bathroom and having a pamper session.


Start Early

I’ve read a lot about people who swear by getting up at 4am and starting work before other people are even getting out of bed. This for me is not realistic. I don’t live alone so changing my morning routine too much would also disturb the routines of others.

However, every now and then I will just pick a week where I’ll get up a few minutes earlier than normal each morning and leave the house. Getting to work early when the building is quiet is lovely, it means I can start work without distractions and interruptions and I can sometimes add up all that time and leave earlier on Friday.



During lockdown I’ve found that days and weeks merge into each other, so I have been quite strict with myself in terms of keeping a routine. For me, this time has given me the perfect opportunity to start learning to love Mondays. I spend time creating to-do lists, planning how I want to spend my week, continuing to work from home, communicating with colleagues, meal planning, and still working on the blog and my additional hobbies and interests.


Do you love Mondays?

Let me know in the comments.












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Tue Aug 4 , 2020
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